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LINQ Element OperatorsLINQ Element Operators
The fifteenth part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial examines the element standard query operators. These operators allow single items to be extracted from collections based upon their position in the sequence or upon a provided predicate.
LINQ Sequence EqualityLINQ Sequence Equality
The fourteenth part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial describes a single standard query operator provided by Language-Integrated Query (LINQ). The SequenceEqual method compares two enumerable sequences to determine if they are an exact match.
LINQ ConversionLINQ Conversion
The thirteenth part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial describes some of the conversion operators provided by Language-Integrated Query (LINQ). These operators allow you to convert between sequence types or cast the elements of a sequence to another type.
LINQ Set OperationsLINQ Set Operations
The twelfth part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial considers the set operations that are provided by Language Integrated Query (LINQ). Four standard query operators are available that return distinct values from a sequence or combine data from two sets.
LINQ ConcatenationLINQ Concatenation
The eleventh part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial describes concatenation using language-integrated query (LINQ). LINQ provides a single concatenation operator that combines all of the items from two sequences into a single collection.
LINQ PartitioningLINQ Partitioning
The tenth part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial examines partitioning of collections using LINQ. Several standard query operators are provided that break a collection of data into two sections and return one of those parts as an enumerable object.
LINQ Grouped JoinsLINQ Grouped Joins
The ninth part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial looks at grouped joins. These allow two collections to be combined in a join operation based upon matching key values. The results are then grouped into keyed collections that may be aggregated.
LINQ JoinsLINQ Joins
The eighth part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial investigates the Join standard query operator and the equivalent use of the join clause. These allow two or more sets of data to be combined according to key information in each collection.
LINQ AggregationLINQ Aggregation
The seventh part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial looks at aggregate functions. These are standard query operators that can be applied to sequences and groups, performing a calculation that combines all of the values in a collection.
Grouping on Multiple Properties with LINQGrouping on Multiple Properties with LINQ
LINQ allows queries to be executed that include grouping. The GroupBy query operator and the group clause both allow grouping using a single key selector. When it is necessary to group by multiple keys, the selector must include an expression.
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