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LINQ ToLookup OperatorLINQ ToLookup Operator
Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) provides several methods that allow a sequence to be manipulated, filtered and grouped. ToLookup performs a grouping operation that results in a sequence of key / value pairs, where each value is another sequence.
A LINQ Style Mode OperatorA LINQ Style Mode Operator
Language Integrated Query (LINQ) includes the Average operator that can be used to calculate the mean value of a sequence. This article implements a LINQ operator that determines the mode, which is the most common value or group of values.
Implementing the Zip Operator in .NET 3.5Implementing the Zip Operator in .NET 3.5
Microsoft introduced the Zip operator to Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) with the .NET framework version 4.0. This operator is not available in version 3.5 of the framework but can be implemented quite easily.
LINQ Zip OperatorLINQ Zip Operator
In the .NET framework version 4.0 Microsoft introduced the Zip method to the set of standard query operators. This extension method combines pairs of values from two sequences to generate a third set of values.
Custom LINQ Operators, Deferred Execution and ExceptionsCustom LINQ Operators, Deferred Execution and Exceptions
The Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) standard query operators that return enumerable sequences use deferred execution but validate any source sequences immediately. Custom LINQ operators should exhibit the same behaviour.
A LINQ Style Median OperatorA LINQ Style Median Operator
Language Integrated Query (LINQ) includes an operator that calculates the average value of a sequence containing numerical data. The Average method calculates the mean of the sequence. This article describes an operator that determines the median.
Checking for Anagrams with LINQChecking for Anagrams with LINQ
Anagrams are pairs of words or phrases that contain the same letters in a different order. This article describes a simple extension method that compares two strings using standard LINQ operators and determines if they are anagrams.
A LINQ Style Operator to Combine SequencesA LINQ Style Operator to Combine Sequences
In some situations it is necessary to combine two sequences of values, item-by-item, into a new enumerable sequence or collection. This article describes how to create an extension method that achieves this using generics.
LINQ QuantifiersLINQ Quantifiers
The seventeenth and final part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial looks at the quantifier operators. These methods allow the contents of an entire sequence to be tested, determining if a collection contains a given item or items that satisfy a condition.
LINQ Generation OperatorsLINQ Generation Operators
The sixteenth part of the LINQ to Objects tutorial considers the generation operators. Language-Integrated query provides three such standard query operators that generate new enumerable sequences based upon simple parameter values.
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