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.NET Framework
.NET 1.1+

Formatting Enumeration Constants

Enumerations provide useful groupings of named, numeric constants that can enhance the readability of source code. When the constants need to be outputted they may be formatted as numbers or strings, with various available options.


C# provides two types of enumeration. Standard enumerations contain a list of discrete, named integer values. Variables can be declared using the type of the enumeration and their values can be set using the appropriate name or an integer value. Using names instead of simple numbers can greatly increase the maintainability of code. Bit field enumerations also contain named integers but allow the values to be combined using logical bitwise operators.

An example of a standard enumeration is a type that provides twelve constants representing the months of the year. January may be month zero, February would be month one and so on. These values cannot logically be combined. An example bit field enumeration could represent the various states of a printer with values representing an empty paper tray, an exhausted toner cartridge or a paper jam. Some of these states can be combined, for example, allowing a single value to represent a paper with no toner or paper present.

The code for the above two enumerations, which we will use in the code samples for this article, is as follows:

enum Month 

enum PrinterStatus
    OK = 0,
    OffLine = 1,
    PaperTrayEmpty = 2,
    TonerExhausted = 4,
    PaperJam = 8

ToString Method

The ToString method is common to all .NET framework types. It allows a value to be converted to a string representation. When applied to enumerations, the ToString method, used without arguments, returns a string containing the name of one or more constants wherever possible. However, if the source variable cannot be represented by a defined name, the numeric value is returned as a string.

We can see this by creating some instances of our two test enumerated types and outputting the results of the ToString method:

Month jan = Month.January;
Month month13 = (Month)13;

PrinterStatus allOK = PrinterStatus.OK;
PrinterStatus twoProblems = PrinterStatus.PaperTrayEmpty | PrinterStatus.TonerExhausted;
PrinterStatus unknownStatus = PrinterStatus.TonerExhausted | (PrinterStatus)16;

Console.WriteLine(jan.ToString());              // January
Console.WriteLine(month13.ToString());          // 13
Console.WriteLine(allOK.ToString());            // OK
Console.WriteLine(twoProblems.ToString());      // PaperTrayEmpty, TonerExhausted
Console.WriteLine(unknownStatus.ToString());    // 20

Using Format Strings

The ToString method for enumerations is overloaded. The second variation accepts a parameter that contains a format string. This controls the returned string's contents and allows you to choose different output options according to your scenario.

Four format strings are available. The first is signified by the letter 'G', which may be upper or lower case. Applying the 'G' format is the equivalent of using the overload with no parameters.

Console.WriteLine(jan.ToString("g"));           // January
Console.WriteLine(month13.ToString("g"));       // 13
Console.WriteLine(allOK.ToString("g"));         // OK
Console.WriteLine(twoProblems.ToString("g"));   // PaperTrayEmpty, TonerExhausted
Console.WriteLine(unknownStatus.ToString("g")); // 20

If you are using an enumeration that has values consistent with a bit field but where the Flags attribute has been omitted, you can use the 'F' or 'f' format string. If the value being converted does not match a single item from the enumeration but can be calculated by summing some of the constants, a comma-separated list of the names of those constants will be returned. For all other values the results are the same as when using 'G'.

Console.WriteLine(jan.ToString("f"));           // January
Console.WriteLine(month13.ToString("f"));       // May, October
Console.WriteLine(allOK.ToString("f"));         // OK
Console.WriteLine(twoProblems.ToString("f"));   // PaperTrayEmpty, TonerExhausted
Console.WriteLine(unknownStatus.ToString("f")); // 20

The 'D' or 'd' format string specifies that you wish to obtain a string containing an integer value, regardless of the value matching named constants.

Console.WriteLine(jan.ToString("d"));           // 0
Console.WriteLine(month13.ToString("d"));       // 13
Console.WriteLine(allOK.ToString("d"));         // 0
Console.WriteLine(twoProblems.ToString("d"));   // 6
Console.WriteLine(unknownStatus.ToString("d")); // 20

Finally, you can apply the 'X' or 'x' format string. This is similar to the previous example as the names of the individual constants are ignored; the result is always the integer value. However, in this case the integer is formatted as an eight-digit hexadecimal value.

Console.WriteLine(jan.ToString("x"));           // 00000000
Console.WriteLine(month13.ToString("x"));       // 0000000D
Console.WriteLine(allOK.ToString("x"));         // 00000000
Console.WriteLine(twoProblems.ToString("x"));   // 00000006
Console.WriteLine(unknownStatus.ToString("x")); // 00000014
13 December 2011