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Visual Studio Split Code EditorVisual Studio Split Code Editor
It is common, when developing code, to want to see two parts of the same code file at the same time for comparison purposes. Visual Studio permits you to split the code editor window into two parts so that you can achieve this.
Signing an Assembly in Visual StudioSigning an Assembly in Visual Studio
To protect your assemblies from unauthorised changes you should sign them using a strong name key. This process uses public and private cryptographic key technologies that can prove the origin and the integrity of your software to the end user.
Visual Studio Namespace ResolutionVisual Studio Namespace Resolution
Sometimes when coding you will type the name of a class or structure that is not recognised because the name is not fully qualified and the appropriate using directive is missing. This can be a particular problem when copying sample code from web sites.
Visual Studio Comment SelectionVisual Studio Comment Selection
Often when writing and debugging programs you will want to comment out a selection of code temporarily. This can be achieved manually by adding comment markers. Visual Studio also provides commands to quickly comment and uncomment selections.
Visual Studio 2003 Default Project FolderVisual Studio 2003 Default Project Folder
When you create a Visual Studio 2003 project, the new files must be saved, so a default location is presented. If you do not wish to store the files in the standard location, and have a preferred folder, this can be made to be the default option.
Visual Studio 2005 Default Project FolderVisual Studio 2005 Default Project Folder
New Visual Studio 2005 projects can be created and saved immediately or the saving can be delayed depending upon the configuration. In each case, when the project is saved, Visual Studio offers a default folder. This location can be changed if required.
Reformatting Code in Visual StudioReformatting Code in Visual Studio
When developing software, it is good practise to use consistent formatting of the underlying source code. On longer projects, particularly when cutting and pasting code, the formatting can slip. Luckily, Visual Studio can reapply it automatically.
Visual Studio Property Code SnippetVisual Studio Property Code Snippet
Visual Studio 2005 includes some helpful shortcuts in the form of code snippets. The property snippet allows a property to be quickly added to a class with a few keystrokes. However, the results vary between versions of the development environment.
Visual Studio 2008 Organize Usings CommandVisual Studio 2008 Organize Usings Command
When creating new code files or designers that include code behind the design window, using statements are added automatically. With the Organize Usings command, redundant using commands can be automatically removed and the remaining items can be sorted.
Visual Studio Full Screen ModeVisual Studio Full Screen Mode
If you want the maximum available working area, Visual Studio provides the full screen mode. This special mode removes most of the unnecessary toolbox windows and expands the working space to fill the screen. This mode is ideal for use in presentations.
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