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Using FakesUsing Fakes
The thirteenth part of the Automated Unit Testing tutorial continues the discussion of test doubles that can be used to isolate code under test from its dependencies. This article describes fake objects, which have more functionality than stubs.
Using StubsUsing Stubs
The twelfth part of the Automated Unit Testing tutorial discusses the use of stubs. Stubs are used to simplify the testing of code that relies upon other classes, helping a unit of code to be isolated from its dependencies.
NUnit Utility AssertionsNUnit Utility Assertions
The eleventh part of the Automated Unit Testing tutorial completes the examination of the NUnit Framework's assert methods. This instalment considers the utility asserts, which send instructions to the test runner, rather than performing tests.
NUnit Exception AssertionsNUnit Exception Assertions
The tenth part of the Automated Unit Testing tutorial continues looking at the NUnit framework's assertions. This article describes the assert methods that are used to test that the correct exceptions are thrown by the code under test.
NUnit Type AssertionsNUnit Type Assertions
The ninth part of the Automated Unit Testing tutorial continues the examination of the assertion commands provided by the NUnit framework. This article describes the type assertions, which check the types of objects or structures.
NUnit Condition AssertionsNUnit Condition Assertions
The eighth part of the Automated Unit Testing tutorial continues the description of the assertion commands provided by the NUnit framework. This article describes the condition assertions, which perform specific true or false tests.
NUnit Identity AssertionsNUnit Identity Assertions
The seventh part of the Automated Unit Testing tutorial continues the examination of the assertion commands provided by the NUnit framework. This article describes the identity assertions, which check the references held by objects.
NUnit Comparison AssertionsNUnit Comparison Assertions
The sixth part of the Automated Unit Testing tutorial continues the description of the assertion commands provided by the NUnit framework. This instalment looks at comparison asserts, which ensure that a result is greater or less than an expected value.
NUnit Equality AssertionsNUnit Equality Assertions
The fifth part of the Automated Unit Testing tutorial begins a look at the assertion commands provided by the NUnit framework. These assertions are used in unit tests to ensure that the results of operations are as expected.
Organising NUnit TestsOrganising NUnit Tests
The fourth part of the Automated Unit Testing tutorial continues the examination of NUnit attributes. This article describes three attributes that can be used to categorise tests and determine which tests or fixtures are executed in the test runner.
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