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Creating Filtered Indexes using SQL Server Management StudioCreating Filtered Indexes using SQL Server Management Studio
SQL Server filtered indexes allow only the rows in a table that meet specified criteria to be indexed, without including the remaining data. They can be created using Transact-SQL or with the tools provided in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
SQL Server Filtered IndexesSQL Server Filtered Indexes
SQL Server allows data in selected columns from entire tables to be indexed, in order to improve the performance of some queries. SQL Server 2008 introduces the concept of filtered indexes. These index a limited set of the rows in a table.
Selecting into Variables in Transact-SQLSelecting into Variables in Transact-SQL
Variables are essential to the operation of many stored procedures, as they allow the temporary storage of values calculated using the operators and functions provided by Transact-SQL. Assigning variable values from query results is a common technique.
Using T-SQL&#39;s COALESCE FunctionUsing T-SQL's COALESCE Function
In denormalised databases, such as those used for reporting purposes or to feed data warehouses, it is common to need to query information from a group of columns where only one has a value. This can be simplified with the coalesce function.
Obtaining a SQL Server&#39;s NameObtaining a SQL Server's Name
In some situations it is necessary to obtain the server and instance names for a SQL Server instance, either for informational purposes or to modify the behaviour of stored procedures. These names can be obtained using configuration functions.
Simplifying Repetitive Queries with INSimplifying Repetitive Queries with IN
The usual use of the IN clause in a Transact-SQL (T-SQL) query allows a column to be compared with multiple values. For searches, where the same literal is compared with multiple columns, the IN clause can be used to simplify the query.
Generating Random Numbers in T-SQL QueriesGenerating Random Numbers in T-SQL Queries
There are many reasons for generating random numbers in Transact-SQL (T-SQL) queries but the standard randomisation function will not generate a new value for each row. However, there is a workaround for this problem.
SQL Server NOLOCK HintSQL Server NOLOCK Hint
Where locking causes problems with queries it can be useful to execute those queries with the NOLOCK hint. This specifies that a query should ignore existing locks and create no data locks. However, the hint introduces the potential of data corruption.
SQL Updates, Joins and TriggersSQL Updates, Joins and Triggers
A common error when writing SQL triggers is to forget that an operation that affects multiple rows will cause a trigger to execute only once. One example of the problem can be solved using UPDATE statements that include joins.
SQL Server Multipart NamesSQL Server Multipart Names
SQL Server-based applications and systems may include multiple schemas, databases and linked servers, all of which are accessible from scripts and stored procedures. To allow the correct database objects to be accessed requires the use of multipart names.
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