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C# Program Flow Control: The While LoopsC# Program Flow Control: The While Loops
The thirty-first part of the C# Fundamentals tutorial concludes our look at loops and the looping program flow commands available to the C# developer. This article discusses two conditional loop variations, the 'while loop' and 'do-while loop'.
C# Program Flow Control: Conditional ProcessingC# Program Flow Control: Conditional Processing
The thirty-second part of the C# Fundamentals tutorial concludes the examination of the program flow control commands available within C#. This article considers the conditional processing commands that allow code to be executed when tests are met.
C# Goto StatementC# Goto Statement
The thirty-third part of the C# Fundamentals tutorial reviews the use of the jump statement, 'goto'. This command is rarely used and often scorned but does provide a valuable function when used with the switch statement to control program flow.
C# Exception HandlingC# Exception Handling
The thirty-fourth part of the C# Fundamentals tutorial begins a review of exception handling. When an unexpected event occurs, unhandled exceptions cause a program to exit abnormally. Correct handling permits the graceful recovery from an error condition.
Throwing Exceptions in C#Throwing Exceptions in C#
The thirty-fifth part of the C# Fundamentals tutorial completes an investigation of exception handling. In this article we will consider the throwing of exceptions to report error conditions. This includes the use of standard and custom exception types.
Collection InterfacesCollection Interfaces
The thirty-sixth part of the C# Fundamentals tutorial introduces the use of collections in C#. A collection is similar to an array in that it contains a group of objects. However, the use of varying types of collection provide for more functionality.
The ArrayList CollectionThe ArrayList Collection
The thirty-seventh part of the C# Fundamentals tutorial describes the use of the ArrayList class. This general-purpose collection class provides the ability to create and manipulate a group of related objects as if they were a variable-length array.
The Hashtable CollectionThe Hashtable Collection
The thirty-eighth part of the C# Fundamentals tutorial describes the use of the Hashtable class. This provides general-purpose dictionary collections allowing the items in a collection to be addressed not by an index number, but by an object-based key.
The SortedList CollectionThe SortedList Collection
The thirty-ninth part of the C# Fundamentals tutorial describes the use of the SortedList class. This dictionary collection provides a hybrid of the Hashtable and Array types; each entry being a key / value pair sorted according to the key's contents.
The Queue CollectionThe Queue Collection
The fortieth part of the C# Fundamentals tutorial describes the use of the Queue class. This collection includes the functionality required in a 'First In, First Out' (FIFO) queuing structure. Queues allow items to be held in order for later processing.
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