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C# Checked and Unchecked ArithmeticC# Checked and Unchecked Arithmetic
Arithmetic operations are limited to some extent by the type of variable being acted upon. In some cases values can exceed their data type limits and provide incorrect, and potentially dangerous answers. This is prevented by using checked arithmetic.
C# Automatically Implemented PropertiesC# Automatically Implemented Properties
Often a class may contain properties that provide no behaviour other that permitting the storage of values. This can lead to many space-consuming lines of code for get and set accessors. Using .NET 3.0, these can be replaced with automatic properties.
C# StructuresC# Structures
The twenty-second, and final, part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial reviews the use of structures. Structures provide similar functionality to classes, but when instantiated resultant variables are value types, rather than reference types.
C# Value Types and Reference TypesC# Value Types and Reference Types
C# permits the use of value types, such as enumerations and structures, and reference types, such as objects instantiated from classes. Value types hold their data directly and can be easily copied. Reference types add a layer of indirection.
C# InterfacesC# Interfaces
The twenty-first part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial completes the investigation of polymorphism in the C# programming language. This instalment describes the use of interfaces to determine required members in classes that implement them.
C# Abstract ClassesC# Abstract Classes
The twentieth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial investigates the use of abstract classes. These are special classes that are designed to be used only as base classes for inheritance. They do not permit the instantiation of objects.
Trimming Non-Whitespace Characters from StringsTrimming Non-Whitespace Characters from Strings
Often string data is received through a user interface or integration system. This data may include additional characters to the main information, either as a prefix or suffix. Using the String class's Trim method, the unwanted characters can be removed.
C# Inheritance and ConstructorsC# Inheritance and Constructors
The nineteenth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial continues the discussion of inheritance. Constructor and destructor functionality is not inherited by subclasses but these can still use the constructors defined in their base class.
Bit Field EnumerationsBit Field Enumerations
When you need to store multiple Boolean statuses for a single item, you may elect to place each on/off attribute into a bit field. If you use an enumeration marked with the FlagsAttribute class, the .NET framework will assist with some of the operations.
C# InheritanceC# Inheritance
The eighteenth part of the C# Object-Oriented Programming tutorial begins the discussion of the use of inheritance. This is a powerful object-oriented concept that permits the creation of hierarchical groups of classes that share common functionality.
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