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Visually Setting a Form&#39;s Tab OrderVisually Setting a Form's Tab Order
A Windows-based application is usually operated using mouse movements and clicks. However, all forms should provide support for users who prefer to use the keyboard. A key part of this is ensuring that the tab order feels natural and is easy to use.
Turn On Visual Studio 2005 Line NumberingTurn On Visual Studio 2005 Line Numbering
Many developer assistance tools, such as Microsoft's 'FxCop' refer to line numbers within source code. Though Visual Studio shows the current line number at all times, finding a referenced line is much easier when source code line numbering is enabled.
Turn Off Visual Studio 2005 Snap LinesTurn Off Visual Studio 2005 Snap Lines
Visual Studio 2005 introduced the concept of snap lines to assist in positioning Windows Forms elements. For those who preferred to use the Visual Studio 2003 snap to grid layout style, snap lines can be disabled.
Stop Console Applications From Closing ImmediatelyStop Console Applications From Closing Immediately
When you develop your first console application, it can be a surprise when you execute your application in debug mode and find that the console closes before you have time to see the results. There are two ways to avoid this.
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