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WPF Base Classes - UIElement - Mouse EventsWPF Base Classes - UIElement - Mouse Events
The twenty-third instalment of the Windows Presentation Foundation Fundamentals tutorial continues the examination of the UIElement class, which is a superclass of all WPF layout controls, as well as other WPF controls. This article is about mouse events.
Check Type Compatibility with the &quot;Is&quot; OperatorCheck Type Compatibility with the "Is" Operator
Polymorphism allows a single variable to contain objects of different types. Sometimes it is necessary to determine whether a variable contains an object that is compatible with a specific type. This can be achieved using the "is" operator.
Adding Descriptive Text to EnumerationsAdding Descriptive Text to Enumerations
Enumerations allow a number of constants to be declared in a group. These constants provide names for numeric values to make code easier to read and maintain. The names are not ideally formatted for display to users but can be enhanced with descriptions.
Understanding Visual Studio&#39;s Default NamespacesUnderstanding Visual Studio's Default Namespaces
When files for classes and some other types are added to a project, Visual Studio automatically adds a namespace definition. The decision of which namespace to apply is based upon the structure of the project and a simple setting.
Counting the Lines in a Text FileCounting the Lines in a Text File
The number of lines in a source code file can be used as a crude measure of program complexity or developer productivity. In a CSV file, the number of lines may represent the number of records stored. This article explains how to determine this number.
Representing Infinity in C#Representing Infinity in C#
When performing mathematical operations, it is possible to obtain a result that is either positive or negative infinity. C# and the .NET framework permit this result and allow storage of infinite values within selected floating-point structures.
Prime Numbers - Sieve of EratosthenesPrime Numbers - Sieve of Eratosthenes
The Sieve of Eratosthenes is an ancient algorithm that can be used to find the series of prime numbers. The algorithm is a manual one, requiring a grid of numbers that can be highlighted as primes are found and struck off when not prime.
Controlling File Attribute FlagsControlling File Attribute Flags
Microsoft Windows allows a number of Boolean attributes to be assigned to each file in the file system. These flags provide information such as indicating that a file is hidden or read-only. The properties can be read and changed using the .NET framework.
Optimistic LockingOptimistic Locking
Optimistic locking concurrency control systems provide high levels of scalability by checking for data collisions only when information is stored. In this article, the second part of three, a simple optimistic locking system is created using SQL Server.
Dependency InjectionDependency Injection
Dependency injection is a technique used in object-oriented programming languages. It promotes loose coupling of components by passing dependencies to an object, rather than having an object instantiate its own dependencies.
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