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SQL Server Comparison OperatorsSQL Server Comparison Operators
The thirty-fourth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial examines the comparison operators. These allow the creation of Boolean expressions that determine if two values are equal or, if not, which is the larger or smaller.
SQL Server String Concatenation OperatorSQL Server String Concatenation Operator
The thirty-third part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial describes the string concatenation operator. This operator allows two strings to be combined. The operator can be used with literals, variables and columns in queries.
SQL Server Arithmetic OperatorsSQL Server Arithmetic Operators
The thirty-second part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial describes the basic arithmetic operators provided by Transact-SQL (T-SQL). These operators allow simple mathematical operations within queries, procedures and other statements.
SQL Server Ranking FunctionsSQL Server Ranking Functions
The thirty-first part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial describes the use of ranking functions within SQL queries. These functions add a new column to the results of a query, applying a ranking value to every row that is returned.
SQL Server SubqueriesSQL Server Subqueries
The thirtieth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial examines subqueries. These can be nested queries allowing complex selections that are not possible using joins. They can also be used to update rows using the contents of other tables.
SQL Server Summaries with ROLLUP and CUBESQL Server Summaries with ROLLUP and CUBE
The twenty-ninth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial describes the ROLLUP and CUBE clauses, which can be used when grouping data. These clauses create additional summary rows containing aggregated values from multiple groups of rows.
SQL Server GroupingSQL Server Grouping
The twenty-eighth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial adds to the description of the use of aggregate functions within queries. In this article the GROUP BY and HAVING clauses are used to summarise groups of similar result rows.
SQL Server Basic Aggregation FunctionsSQL Server Basic Aggregation Functions
The twenty-seventh part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial describes the use of the aggregation functions that can be used when executing queries. These functions allow you to perform calculations based upon multiple result rows.
SQL Server Except and IntersectSQL Server Except and Intersect
The twenty-sixth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial reviews two set operations that are available in SQL Server 2005 queries. Both EXCEPT and INTERSECT use a combination of two sets of results to determine the rows returned.
SQL Server Union OperationsSQL Server Union Operations
The twenty-fifth part of the SQL Server Programming Fundamentals tutorial takes a step back from creating database schemas and procedures and returns to queries. In this article we consider the use of the UNION keyword in Transact-SQL.
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