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Regular Expression Conditional MatchingRegular Expression Conditional Matching
The eleventh part of the Regular Expressions in .NET tutorial looks at the conditional matching construct. This allows a regular expression to include an 'if-then-else' style condition.
Regular Expression SubstitutionsRegular Expression Substitutions
The twelfth part of the Regular Expressions in .NET tutorial looks at substitutions. These allow elements of an input string to be matched and replaced with an alternative string. the replacement pattern can include literal characters and elements from the original match.
Regular Expression Unicode Categories and BlocksRegular Expression Unicode Categories and Blocks
The thirteenth part of the Regular Expressions in .NET tutorial continues to describe the pattern characters used when matching and substituting text. This article looks at the matching of characters from specific Unicode general categories and code point blocks.
Regular Expression Inline OptionsRegular Expression Inline Options
The fourteenth part of the Regular Expressions in .NET tutorial looks at options that can be applied to a pattern using characters within a regular expression. There are five such options, which can be applied to all or part of a pattern.
Regular Expression OptionsRegular Expression Options
The fifteenth part of the Regular Expressions in .NET tutorial continues to looks at options that can be applied to regular expressions when matching and substituting text. This article looks at the use of the RegexOptions enumeration.
Regular Expression CommentsRegular Expression Comments
The sixteenth part of the Regular Expressions in .NET tutorial describes how comments can be added to a regular expression pattern. This allows complex patterns to include explanatory text.
Splitting Strings with Regular ExpressionsSplitting Strings with Regular Expressions
The seventeenth part of the Regular Expressions in .NET tutorial looks at the Split method. Similar to the string class's Split method, this member splits a string into an array of items, based upon a delimiter.
Escaping Text for Regular ExpressionsEscaping Text for Regular Expressions
The eighteenth part of the Regular Expressions in .NET tutorial continues to look at the methods provided by the Regex class. This article considers the process of escaping and unescaping text.
Regular Expressions Instance MethodsRegular Expressions Instance Methods
The nineteenth and final part of the Regular Expressions in .NET tutorial looks at an alternative to the static methods employed earlier in the series. Instance methods provide the same functionality but with different caching features.
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