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Retrieve Drive, File and Folder NamesRetrieve Drive, File and Folder Names
Many software projects involve interaction with the file system. When this requires that a list of drive letters is generated, or that a drive or folder's files and subfolders are retrieved, the Directory class can be used to obtain the list.
Counting the Lines in a Text FileCounting the Lines in a Text File
The number of lines in a source code file can be used as a crude measure of program complexity or developer productivity. In a CSV file, the number of lines may represent the number of records stored. This article explains how to determine this number.
Basic File OperationsBasic File Operations
When an application stores information within files, it is common to include some simple file management tasks within the software. This article describes methods of copying, moving, renaming and deleting files using C# and the .NET framework.
Reading and Writing Text Files in One CommandReading and Writing Text Files in One Command
Reading and writing text files is a relatively simple process when using the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes. When you are working with small text files and require less flexibility, you can read or write an entire file using just one statement.
Reading from Text Files with StreamReaderReading from Text Files with StreamReader
Data is often stored in a plain text format within a text file, particularly when sourced from legacy systems. Using the StreamReader class, you can read information from a text file using a variety of methods. This article explains the process.
Writing to Text Files with StreamWriterWriting to Text Files with StreamWriter
One of the simplest, yet very flexible, manners for storing information is within a text file. Such a file allows the storage of data in a human-readable and easily edited format. You can create text files using the .NET framework's StreamWriter class.
Moving the Mouse Pointer ProgrammaticallyMoving the Mouse Pointer Programmatically
Although rare, there are some situations where you may wish to reposition the mouse pointer programmatically to improve the user experience or to enhance accessibility. This can be easily achieved using standard .NET classes and properties.
Registering System-Wide Hot KeysRegistering System-Wide Hot Keys
Some Windows applications execute in the background and are activated only as required. To enhance such a program's usability it is useful to register a system-wide hot key. This allows the software to activate when a specific key combination is pressed.
Toggling Lockable Key StatusesToggling Lockable Key Statuses
The Scroll Lock, Caps Lock and Num Lock keys are three keys on a standard keyboard that have a status that can be either on or off. Using a call to a Windows API function, it is possible to toggle the status of these keys from within a .NET application.
Recycling Files and Folders Part 2Recycling Files and Folders Part 2
The second part of this two-part article revisits sending files and folders to the Windows Recycle Bin. In the first part we used the VisualBasic namespace to perform this task. In the second part we will make use of the Windows API through P/Invoke.
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