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Memento Design PatternMemento Design Pattern
The memento pattern is a design pattern that permits the current state of an object to be stored without breaking the rules of encapsulation. The originating object can be modified as required but can be restored to the saved state at any time.
Chain of Responsibility Design PatternChain of Responsibility Design Pattern
The chain of responsibility pattern is a design pattern that defines a linked list of handlers, each of which is able to process requests. When a request is submitted to the chain, it is passed to the first handler in the list that is able to process it.
Observer Design PatternObserver Design Pattern
The observer pattern is a design pattern that defines a link between objects so that when one object's state changes, all dependent objects are updated automatically. This pattern allows communication between objects in a loosely coupled manner.
Strategy Design PatternStrategy Design Pattern
The strategy pattern is a design pattern that allows a set of similar algorithms to be defined and encapsulated in their own classes. The algorithm to be used for a particular purpose may then be selected at run-time according to your requirements.
Bridge Design PatternBridge Design Pattern
The bridge pattern is a design pattern that separates the abstract elements of a class from its technical implementation. This provides a cleaner implementation of real-world objects and allows the implementation details to be changed easily.
Decorator Design PatternDecorator Design Pattern
The decorator pattern is a design pattern that extends the functionality of individual objects by wrapping them with one or more decorator classes. These decorators can modify existing members and add new methods and properties at run-time.
Proxy Design PatternProxy Design Pattern
The proxy pattern is a design pattern that creates a surrogate, or placeholder class. Proxy instances accept requests from client objects, pass them to the underlying object and return the results. Proxies can improve efficiency and enhance functionality.
Composite Design PatternComposite Design Pattern
The composite pattern is a design pattern that is used when creating hierarchical object models. The pattern defines a manner in which to design recursive tree structures of objects, where individual objects and groups can be accessed in the same manner.
Adapter Design PatternAdapter Design Pattern
The adapter pattern is a design pattern that is used to allow two incompatible types to communicate. Where one class relies upon a specific interface that is not implemented by another class, the adapter acts as a translator between the two types.
Flyweight Design PatternFlyweight Design Pattern
The flyweight pattern is a design pattern that is used to minimise resource usage when working with very large numbers of objects. When creating many thousands of identical objects, stateless flyweights can lower the memory used to a manageable level.
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